Why Inspiration Rocks!
Inspiration is your source of creativity and joy! When we experience inspiration, we feel that everything is possible, we feel excitement with the dawn of a new idea. Our minds overflow with ideas, we feel a sense of well-being, we begin to communicate our thoughts and put our creative ideas into action.
The by-product of inspiration, creativity and joy, is a heightening of our immune system. When we feel happy, our bodies feel happy. Every cell in our perfect and complex body sings. When we are inspired and joyful, we feel a certainty that we are on the right path. Inspiration gives us purpose.
Wouldn’t it follow then, that inspiration is indeed helpful? My wish for humanity is that we experience inspiration more and more. It may be an inspiration to start a project at home, to start a business, to write a book, to start training, learning, travelling, to become an athlete or a musician, an artist or a tycoon.
Do you remember starting on a project you were inspired about and the feeling that went with it? Perhaps it was a song or a story that inspired something in you, or the beginning of a new endeavour. When we are children, we are constantly inspired by new discoveries. We see the realm of all possibility.
When then happens, as we grow older? Our conditioning moulds us and worldly concerns cloud our minds. We develop our own story. We begin to lose our sense of wonder and inspiration. We have responsibilities and obligations. We have our dramas. Who has time to come home to oneself?
Inspiration has been a most welcome and regular visitor in my life. For this I am grateful daily. I am also truly humbled.
How do we Access Inspiration?
Meditation connects us to our source and our creativity. We begin to listen to our higher intelligence and ourselves. Another positive of meditation is that it brings stress release and quietening of the mind chatter. This clears the way to inspiration. Of course there are so many benefits of meditation like overcoming health issues, clarity and serenity.
If meditation is not for you, sitting in silence for 30 minutes morning and night, or if you can manage, not listening to the radio, watching television, reading, is also beneficial. All you need do is focus on your breathing, taking in as much air as you can and releasing it continually, in other words circular breathing. You will be connected to your source of inspiration as well as raise your vibration.
Eliminating drama, self-referral, gratitude, acceptance, asking “what now?” are all very helpful ways to access your inspiration. I hope that you are always inspired by the magic of life. Follow your bliss and go where the love is. Inspiration is the juice of life, for what are we left with without our purpose and passion?