Member-only story
What to do when your middle name is Struggle
If there was a qualification in struggle, I would have a P.H.D.
If I hadn’t spent a lifetime and fortune on personal, spiritual growth and training, I wouldn’t be here today. In fact, struggle became my biggest gift, because if I didn’t experience it, I wouldn’t know the ease and grace I am gifted with today. I have been there, which is the reason I do what I do.
As a child, I attended around 10 schools in two countries. I started experiencing panic attacks at a young age. Then a big event became a life changing experience that impacted health, wealth, and relationships alike. I experienced recurring nightmares for 16 years. It robbed me of Self-Worth and Boundaries.
I became an over achiever!
When I finished high school, I knew I wanted to be an Actor. My conservative conditioning however, led me to university to study Arts. I became an expert in beating the system when I graduated. My first love, a Romeo and Juliet story, thanks to conflicting cultures and religions, was very toxic. As a result, I became very ill and continually crammed months of work at the end of each year to pass. I became anorexic. I subconsciously denied myself.
I was in a permanent state of heightened anxiety.