Tula Tzoras, Rags to Riches, my Why
2020 Case Study, Rise of Female Leaders
Up until 6 years ago, I was on a Rollercoaster I couldn’t get off. I was a broke and stressed out, trying to Find a home I didn’t have to move out of again, so that I could begin to live my best life. I really wanted to feel safe, do what I love and prosper so I wouldn’t have to keep moving without fault of my own, feeling unsafe, increasing my debt, single, broke and unwell.
I wanted to be able to create a sanctuary to grow, so that I could start a business to do what I love and create financial freedom for myself. I had long wanted to integrate entertainment with empowering women, my two passions, to create wealth for my future and theirs. I wanted to do that because I had been through it all and I knew I could help, especially as a mentor and coach.
The thing is I was in ill health, alone, in and out of contracts and money, whilst dealing with rental properties and constant change. That meant I wasn’t able to create a sanctuary to grow, so that I could do what I love, let alone create financial freedom for myself.
To make things worse, I felt terrible because I was doing my best, yet I couldn’t see a way out of the rollercoaster I was on. I had been through hell, experiencing major life changes at regular intervals. Firstly as a child, moving and going to many schools between two countries. Trauma affected my wealth, health & Relationships. I started out without boundaries or self- worth, experiencing panic attacks at a young age.
I then chose to become an Actor, a vocation that truly tests your confidence. This was also a transient vocation, perpetuating the lifestyle I had as a child. Had I not spent a lifetime and fortune on personal/spiritual growth, I don’t believe I would be here to tell the story today! My relationships suffered, as did my health. I felt even worse about the situation because my friends and family didn’t seem to have the same problems I encountered. They led “normal” lives. I felt alone, lost and devastated. Why was I so different?
The problem was that for the 3rd time that year, I would have to move again! I had two weeks to find a place and I was broke. This meant going into a high state of anxiety and fear, which destroyed my equilibrium, putting me on the clock to find another place, so that I could get on with my purpose and passion!
Then, as if by chance, something amazing happened…
I finally found a place I didn’t have to move out of unless I wanted to! It was humble, yet quiet and peaceful, perfect! But I didn’t believe it. I was in such a state, I was running around was asking other’s opinions. My subconscious was looking for danger. Luckily, I chose to LISTEN to my dear friend Leonora. She said “Tula take it, it is a Gift”. Suddenly my fear melted away and I moved in. Then it was all about regenerating and resetting my life, starting my business!
It was now crystal clear to me how to fulfil my passion to empower women and create wealth for myself, because I saw I was able to eliminate stress and debt from my life, improve my health and wellbeing and feel amazing!
As a result, I began a huge learning curve and found the perfect solution to make money doing what I love. I launched my first company Areti Goddess Events Pty Ltd. I also learned that you can’t just start a business and expect to generate revenue, it’s the other way around!
After I did that, I started making money again. I became debt Free!
Suddenly, I was empowering more and more women with online courses and coaching.
That’s when I realised that the secret was doing what I love with my own business, in my own space, time and pace. I also realised how grateful I was for the guidance I receive. It is so important to have a coach or mentor.
My plan was to start a business offering online coaching and live workshops and events, following a specific formula to empower women both personally and professionally.
So, I started producing events and selling tickets. But we didn’t stop there.
We then tried enrolling women into 9-month programs, based on the fact it takes time and practice to change lifelong patterns.
After that, we filmed and photographed events to market the Program.
But there was still a problem…
It was really hard to enrol women into a 9-month program, it was a huge commitment. I had spent all I had to start the business, because I knew I was living my purpose and there was a real need for it. I found myself subsidizing events, market testing pricing, it was a lot of trial and error. The budget was gone. I was stressed to the max!
One day I awoke with guidance, as is my usual routine and I knew what I needed to do. I had ended up getting so frustrated that I decided to take the whole program Online and make it accessible to do in weeks or days instead.
I chose to call it “How to Thrive in the New Era, the Areti Goddess Online Program”.
I thought if I could create something that would make it possible to empower women to thrive and create wealth doing what they love, I’d be really happy.
After learning how to be tech friendly, I filmed, edited, designed and created the Online Courses by myself without a budget! I created How to Thrive in the New Era.
I can now work online, with all the skills I have developed, doing what I love whilst creating wealth for myself!
As a result of all this I was able to achieve the following:
First, I became debt Free! I started my first company at age 52, investing all the money I had to do it. I succeeded in creating my LEGACY, a special formula to empower women personally and professionally, combining all the tools I gathered spending a lifetime and fortune on personal and spiritual growth, training, without which, I wouldn’t be here today!
I combined my professional expertise (with my background as an Actor, TV Presenter, Author and Speaker) and created a program to give women the whole package, so that they too could start a business, doing what they love, especially Online. From confidence, image & styling, to relationships, health, purpose & passion, business tools to start your business, to public speaking, presentation, marketing, branding, pitching and photography!
I also succeeded in taking it all online by myself!
I can now say there are so many women who have really benefited from my work both with online courses and coaching. Nothing makes me happier than empowering amazing women to thrive. If I can do it, so can you! My purpose to help bridge the gender gap and bring balance to the world, is well on its way! Moreover, I have done it in perfect timing, because this is the Year for the Rise of Female Leaders! It is our time to Thrive in the New Era!
After creating How to Thrive in the New Era, (the Areti Goddess Online Program), I was not only able to do what I love and make money doing it! I’ve also been able to stop being anxious and stressed worrying about my future. I have recovered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and stopped the rollercoaster I was on, because I can now do what I love, in my own time and space while I create wealth.
And in the end, all of this means I’m now able to Live my Best Life. I declare, life begins at 50! My Goal is to reach my First Million Dollars now!
That is why I am so passionate about empowering women, because I have been there! So, I want to offer you this amazing Online Course, the Areti Goddess Online Program so that you too, can Thrive in this New Era and do it in record time! It really overdelivers, with Bonus Downloads, Guest Expert Tips and more! Here’s where to Watch a Free Preview & get it HOW TO THRIVE IN THE NEW ERA