Simple Tips for Happiness
By Tula Tzoras
- Take a few deep, slow breaths. You can close your eyes and bring your attention to your heart. This allows the mind chatter to stop. It is also a great stress release. When you open your eyes, take a good look around and take everything in. Now you are in the Present and you are on the right track. Bringing your attention to the present, you may now begin to see the magic around you. You can truly see your surroundings, the sunshine, hear the birds singing?
- Staying in your heart space, continuing to breathe you can now begin to think about the things or people you love. Make a conscious choice to focus on what you love, rather than what you don’t. Go where the love is! When we love ourselves, we love others. Soon we realise that what we withhold from others, we withhold from ourselves.
- Do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself every day! Perhaps it is a walk in the park, a piece of cake, a coffee or some chocolate. Always check in with yourself by asking, is this loving to me? Your beautiful complex body will always tell you, by a feeling of comfort or discomfort.
- Make a decision not to judge people, places or things, especially yourself, as good, bad, right or wrong. If this difficult for you, one hour a day is a great start! Then you can build it up to a full day and so on, until it becomes second nature.
- Find Gratitude. Thank Yourself!
The more grateful you are the more you will attract good things into your life and, it is a sure way to bring yourself out of the doldrums. If you don’t believe you have anything to be grateful for, then what about the magical air you breathe, the warm towel you dried yourself with, the soft bed you slept in, or the food you had to eat? It can be as simple as a fresh breeze. - Another great way to get happy is to connect with other people! Being kind to others, feeling compassion for them, or going into service by asking, “how can I help?” rather than “what’s in it for me?” will always bring you joy. People always respond to loving-kindness.
- Do what you love! We all have a unique talent and a purpose in life. Being in your heart space you are able to connect with that purpose. Do you have a direction in life? Making goals will give you so much to look forward to. They can be as simple or as complex as you like.
- It is said that it is not what happens to us, but how we deal with it that matters. How about giving yourself credit for all the times you have bounced back in life? It is about resilience, something to be proud of and happy about.
• Think about your achievements and acknowledge them. Even if you consider them to be small, give yourself credit, you did it!
Looking at the bigger picture and what is happening in the world, perhaps becoming involved with a cause you are passionate about will give you purpose and make you happy. When we focus on bigger things, our own plight often seems a lot smaller.
It may be the little things that make a difference, but there lies the magic and we deserve it, because we are amazing!
I wish you happiness every day! Remember, happiness is a CHOICE!
“One of the secrets of a happy life is continuous small treats” — Iris Murdoch
Tula Tzoras is a Mentor/Coach, also Claircognizant and an Empath. She began her career as an Actor in 1987, has many credits in Film, Television, Theatre, Commercials. She has also made many short films, worked as a TV Presenter, then became the Author of “The Truth About Acting” and many magazine published Articles. This led to her Public Speaking.
Tula has always been passionate about empowering people as her history demonstrates, leading a global humanitarian project, running for the Seat of Sydney Federal Election in 2016 and starting her first company to empower women in 2018 (Areti Goddess Events Pty Ltd). She is passionate about helping to bridge our gender gap and bringing much needed balance between the masculine and feminine to the world.
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