Revenue or Business First?

Tula Tzoras
Nov 2, 2020


Build it and they will come…

Do you remember a film starring Kevin Costner where he is guided to build a baseball field in the middle of nowhere?

I remember that line, it’s etched into my mind!

I have always worked with guidance…

I follow it daily, with gratitude.

So, when I was guided to empower women specifically, I didn’t question it.

I had just landed in a safe haven, where I could heal and grow, though left with very little.

So I put everything I had into starting my business to empower women, even my own retirement fund and launched into a massive learning curve.

It was my first company ever.

It’s been a couple of years of trial and error, it wasn’t until recently I learnt A fundamental aspect of business.

Hence, today’s question!

My answer? Revenue! I learnt that the hard way.

All thanks to the best thing I could ever do for my business. I learnt more in 30 days than I have in the last three years.

Now I am able to integrate, automate and thrive. Thank you thank you thank you! Want to know what the best thing I did for my business is?

Wishing you amazing success, Tula Tzoras



Tula Tzoras

Tula Tzoras is a Mentor/Coach, Author, Speaker, Actor. Founder of Areti Goddess Events, empowering women to bridge the gender gap.