Meet Joanne, CEO in 2020, age 32! 2020 Case Study, Rise of Female Leaders
This week, our Spotlight is on Joanne Gianotto! Congratulations to Joanne for joining the case study, for acknowledging herself, a great exercise in Self-Love! If you have a story that will inspire other amazing women and you would like to be featured to promote what you are doing, here is how 2020 Case Study, Rise of Female Leaders Join this great initiative for us all, here’s to the Rise of Female Leaders!
Meet Joanne, CEO in 2020 age 32
Where have you had a Breakthrough in Life?
Business, Brand for Brands, CEO in 2020!
What motivated and inspired you? Why are you passionate about it?
Adding value and using my natural talent and experience for problem solving to support others in reaching their goals and achieving happiness. I always aim to leave people with more than I found them.
I value helping others. I give back to the community through my volunteer work with the NSW SES. And, I love to educate and empower our clients so that they can achieve their vision and maintain industry leadership.
Share a little about your inspiring Story
I made the decision to join the branding industry with my sister back in early 2009 while I was working in the Veterinary industry. A few years prior I discovered I was allergic to cats (I have been around them my whole life), unfortunately got went to a point where it was having daily adverse effects on my health.
I switched jobs to an office manager role in a design agency till I could work out what I wanted to do and haven’t left the branding and design industry since. I helped expand the digital side of the business, and then took over running the design studio back in 2016 so my Sister could have a baby.
This idea came about last year, as we could see the trend within our industry that it is sick and being oversaturated by anyone with a computer and some visual design training.
A split from my partner of nearly 10 years brought to the surface a lot of emotion, so I stopped to assess myself across all dynamics of my life.
A few months prior to COVID, February 2020, we decided to evolve the business to make better use of our expert skillset; mine being skills in data interpretation and pattern finding.
I will be stepping up into the role of CEO of the Brand for Brands Agency!
With Brand for Brands Agency being known globally as an Industry Expert, we regularly contribute thought leadership as Industry Influencers in branding.
Are you currently running any promos/contests/giveaways that you would like our readers to know about?
Yes! “BRANDING AND MARKETING TOOLKIT” find it in the Free Resources section
Here is a direct link for you! FREE E-BOOK MARKETING & BRANDING
List awards/certifications/accomplishments
2019 Lux Life Best Brand Design Agency
Where is your business based?
Our head office is in Sydney NSW, although with the use of technology we work with clients across the globe.
What were the first few steps you took?
We sat down with an impartial business strategist to assess the business as it was, look out for competitors, and do an external analysis on the current and future marketplace, as the design and marketing space is extremely saturated.
I then assessed myself to really pinpoint and determine my strengths, weaknesses, values, and goals to determine my own personal vision and my greater mission to align with.
While doing this, areas were highlighted that needed work, both professionally and personally; from here I engaged with people and their specific skill sets in various areas to assist.
What has been the most effective way of achieving your goal, e.g. in business, raising awareness of your business and getting new customers?
Having good foundations within my team to be able to grow from.
Consistent marketing activities where we offer deep value to others.
Making my business ‘a client’ that way the client’s work gets prioritized and I don’t forget to work on the business.
What have been your biggest challenges so far?
My own brain and self-confidence — it is amazing the scenarios it can come up with that are totally out of this world and 100% not likely to occur. It is my own worst enemy in shooting down confidence and stopping things in their tracks.
Like a lot of businesses, especially now with COVID — consistent cashflow. Working with family.
Have you overcome these challenges?
• Having the support of trusted advisors and friends has helped, as well as seeking professional help, such as through the Areti Goddess Online Program.
• Planning and workflow management has planned a key part to ensure the resources are available when they are needed.
• Working with family is a fun rollercoaster as we know exactly how to button each other’s buttons. We have clear role descriptions that lists, who is responsible for what, and we stay in loose lanes (of course, we do jump lanes when one of us is overwhelmed and drowning or asks for help).
We have understanding around “no business at family functions” and no family stuff in the office. And, of course, we have a trusted third-party to act as the mediator or tiebreaker when we really get stuck.
How do you keep motivated through difficult times?
As little as 6 months ago I wanted to simply lose myself in the overwhelm and emotion of everything happening all at one. With trusted advisors and mentors, coaches like Tula Tzoras, placed around me, I have been able to create tools to help me with this.
I also meditate regularly and take time to review my vision and goals.
What makes your story unique? In business, how do you distinguish yourself from your competitors?
I help businesses and entrepreneurs use their customer data in new and creative ways to uncover accurate buying behaviors and potential market opportunities. I help clients reach and effectively engage their target market.
My secret ingredient is extensive experience and natural ability for project management. Years of large-scale coordination and stakeholder management; both in the corporate world and as a 14-years-long SES volunteer, means I excel in relationship building, negotiation and conflict resolution. All essential skills in managing the artistic temperaments involved in the creative process.
What is the best advice you have received recently?
See situations for what they are and do not let your esteem or self-worth be impacted by other people’s difficulties.
What advice would you give to inspire other Female Leaders?
My advice for other rising female leaders is to remember that if you can’t go right, go left!
Use data to help you in your decision-making process and track your progress towards your goals (weekly or monthly). The visual representation can help you see your progress, even if its baby steps.
What are your favorite tools/resources and why?
• Google for Work suite of products — it allows me to run my business from my phone when I need to.
• Track results of everything — Set goals and/or KPIs, and then graph your progress towards them every week or month. Looking at these graphs regularly will help you identify trends and overtime then trends allow you to predict what is coming.
What is a good article or book you have read recently?
• Although I haven’t read it recently, I found the E-Myth by Michael E. Gerber a great book when starting to run a business.
What are you currently learning about, or looking for help with?
• I have started learning Roller Derby!
What are your goals for the next few months and how are you striving to achieve them?
• Over the next few months, I am looking to launch some new marketing campaigns and evolve my personal style. To achieve this, I called on people who are experts in what they do to guide me and help me execute it to achieve this.
What social media outlets do you use? List them below
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Brand for Brands on Facebook
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About Joanne Gianotto
Joanne grew up in a stimulating, artistic and creative household. Her childhood experiences were part of an early apprenticeship that led Joanne to the role she now fulfils at Brand for Brands. She officially started out as the Office Manager, she quickly moved up to Client Services where she carved out for herself a specialization in Digital and social media.
Joanne volunteered for numerous causes and charity drives as she could while at school, and then joined the NSW State Emergency Service as soon as she turned 18.
As a volunteer, Joanne has won numerous awards and accolades including NRMA Volunteer of the Year, Archbishop’s Award from the Catholic Archdiocese, Good Samaritan Award from the Sisters of Good Samaritan, Rotary Pride of Workmanship Award and Finalist in the Inner West Youth Volunteer of the Year award.
Joanne has developed skills and experience in large scale coordination and stakeholder management, across diverse groups including government and business at all levels.
The family’s entrepreneurial mindset, rubbed off on Joanne too, having started a successful business at the age of 14 years old, which operated for nearly a decade.
Put simply, with every project that Joanne works on, she aims to help and educate you and your brand to form strong connections with your audience, through your marketing that ultimately results in, more sales for you.