Meet Aline Mc Carthy, 2020 Case Study Rise of Female Leaders
What is Your Breakthrough?
I had a severe health crisis a few years ago when my children were little, but I turned that around completely and have come out the other end so much stronger physically and mentally.
What motivated and inspired you? Why are you passionate about it?
When your health is badly affected you realise nothing else is more important! It put me on a mission to learn from the best in functional medicine, fascia and other modalities to learn the true foundations of health and teach people how to thrive, not just survive.
When did you make the decision?
I left the film industry 12 years ago to pursue my own health and help others find their own inner healer.
Share a little about your inspiring Story
After I gave birth to my second child, I had severe ligament damage around my pelvis and that added to an already existing curvature in my spine (scoliosis) was a recipe for disaster. Despite all efforts and interventions my pain kept being debilitating, I was put on more and more prescriptions drugs with no real help from the medical system at all. The drugs made me feel literally suicidal and crazy, it was a dark time and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and put on even heavier drugs- this was possible a misdiagnosis, we will never know.
I had to really hit rock bottom and one day I woke up, stopped all prescription medication and started rebuilding my body from the grounds up: nutrition, gut health, osteopathy treatments, meditation and many many things had to come into play to set me on the path of reducing my inflammation and finding real health, physically, mentally and spiritually.
I now study and teach and take people through health protocols to heal their gut, reduce inflammation, detox their bodies and find radiant health. Conventional medicine is great for immediate trauma and care but it really does not do anything for us in terms of living a healthy life and being preventative.
What advice would you give to inspire other Female Leaders?
Have no fear. Don’t give up. Don’t’ compare yourself. Be you.
What are your favourite tools/resources and why?
I have attended a lot of Tony Robbins events and that has really changes my life massively.I can highly recommend learning from him.
What are your goals for the next few months and how are you striving to achieve them?
Im launching some really exciting online courses about thyroid health, inflammation and hormones to take women on radical transformational journeys with plenty of fun.
What social media outlets do you use? List them below.
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