Journey to Ease & Grace, a Sample

Tula Tzoras
12 min readDec 15, 2021



There are so many people in my life, who have inspired and supported me on my journey. There are so many who have mentored me. There are so many who have supported me through the good times and the bad; without you, I wouldn’t be here today. I am eternally grateful to you.

Although I can’t name everyone, I want to do my best to recognise all of the people who have made it possible for me to be all of who I am.

To God and the Universe

I will be forever grateful for the daily guidance I have received from you and the prayers that you have answered. The life you have helped me manifest and the love I feel. I am constantly in awe at how you show me the way forward whenever an obstacle arises. You have supported me in all of my personal and professional growth.

To my Family

Thanks to you, mum, dad, I learnt how to become a chameleon, to fit in anywhere. I learnt how to become philosophical. I learnt how to become independent. I learnt the value of education. I learnt how to become creative and follow my dreams. Thanks to my sister, I learnt how to love and support unconditionally.

To my Friends

Friends are the family we choose. I am so grateful to have friends who have been there for me, supported me and loved me, in all my facets. The gift of friendship is the most valuable, amazing gift.

To my Mentors and Healers

I have been so lucky to come across the perfect mentors in my personal and professional life when I have needed them. Thanks to the Universe, they have always presented themselves at the perfect time. I have had the advice, healing and support of the most amazing people.

To my Teachers

Life has been my biggest teacher. My schoolteachers liked and encouraged me. The greatest teachers I have had are legends like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. John DeMartini, Paolo Coelho, the list is so long, I can’t name them all!

To all Freedom Seekers

You are the perfect clients, committed to growth, awareness, conscious living and success. I am so grateful to work with you in my life. Here’s to your huge dreams, incredible visions and relentless persistence. I would never have started my journey without all of you, you inspire me every single day!

So, I dedicate this book to all of you.

Thank you for everything you have done in my life. I only hope I can repay your debt.

With love and light,

Tula Tzoras

Preface: What does it take to let go of struggle for ease and grace?

Chapter 1: My Story………………………………………………………….10

If there was a qualification in struggle, I would have a P.H.D.

Chapter 2: Drama, drama, drama…………………………………………..14

Drama is an addiction. Signs of Addiction to Drama. The Victim

Chapter 3: What a Struggle!…………………………………………………………………17

The Struggle and how to Let it Go

Chapter 4: Begin to Breathe…………………………………………………19

How breathing dictates the quality of your life, tips for breathing correctly and the benefits.

Chapter 5: Ask Questions……………………………………………………22

The value of becoming honest with ourselves, some questions to ask and a Test

Chapter 6: How to Boost Your Self-Worth…………………………………24

What is Self- Worth and how does it impact our life?

Signs of low Self-Worth

Tips to boost Self-Worth

The Inner Child and how to talk to yours.

Chapter 7: Steps to change Limiting Beliefs………………………………..31

This is a 15 Step cognitive exercise to change limiting Beliefs

Chapter 8: How to Abolish Anxiety…………………………………………33

What is Anxiety? How does it affect us? How can we abolish it?

Chapter 9: How to Create Time You Wish You Had………………………36

Time management skills and a new perception of Time

Chapter 10: How to Conquer Betrayal……………………………………39

The effect Betrayal has on us and Tips to overcome it.

Chapter 11: Obstacles, Opportunities & Opposites………………………42

The law of Opposites and how it plays out, how to transform Obstacles into Opportunity and Inspiration

Chapter 12: How to Transform Your Relationships………………………44

Tips to Transform Relationships

A checklist for Love Addiction and Healthy Love

Tips to deal with Irrational People

Chapter 13: What You Can Control………………………………………53

What we can and cannot control, try as we may

Freedom from things we cannot control

Chapter 14: Your Challenge to Make these Agreements…………………..55

The 4 Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz and how they can Transform your Life

Chapter 15: Make a Solid Decision………………………………………….58

The Power of making solid decisions, with an excerpt from Bob Proctor

Chapter 16: How to Release your Resistance & Raise your Vibration……60

How Beliefs must match our Vibration to manifest our Desires

Tips to Release Resistance and Raise Your Vibration

Chapter 17: Check Your Values……………………………………………..64

How Values can empower your Journey to Ease and Grace with tips for Letting Go and Mindfulness

Chapter 18: Ease and Grace…………………………………………………69

Achieving Ease and Grace

Your Personal Power

Lifestyle Choices

Changing Your Perspective

Conscious Choices

Chapter 19: Why Inspiration Rocks…………………………………………74

The benefit of Inspiration with Quotes from Legends

Chapter 20: Clearing the Way……………………………………………….76

A Powerful NLP Exercise to Remove any Blocks

Chapter 21: Your Deepest Desire……………………………………………78

Access to your Deepest Desire with tips and exercises for Daily Practice

Chapter 22: If you find Yourself Procrastinating………………………….82

Current Results

Tips for Motivation and Procrastination

Chapter 23: The Lightness of Ease and Grace……………………………..84

The Freedom after releasing limiting beliefs for Ease and Grace and the Joy

Chapter 24: Next Steps……………………………………………………….86

An honest evaluation about Your Ability to Stay the Course

No one succeeds Alone

Resources and Services available


About the Author


What does it take to let go of struggle for ease and grace?

Is it enough to motivate ourselves with seminars, webinars and books or do we need new tools and skills in our repertoire to achieve harmony and peace?

These questions led me on the path of a most extraordinary journey. I honestly didn’t expect this journey to last so long or go so deep. What I learnt is that enjoying ease and grace truly requires different moulding. There are stages of growth, belief patterns. Differences between the way we are conditioned and how we live in ease and grace, devoid of struggle and drama.

Through my research, I discovered my purpose and passion in life. To empower others to achieve success with the ability to remain mostly unaffected by external circumstance. I became obsessed with creating a community of empowerment that provides training, support and coaching for Success.

This book is a culmination of my research and what I hope becomes a catalyst for people to achieve their dreams. This book comes from my heart. In it, I provide my formula for ease and grace with step-by-step instructions, so that you can achieve your wildest dreams.

My Goal is simple.

I want you to enjoy your ideal life. To have everything you desire. I want you to have all the support you need to be empowered. I want to show you the way to have everything you dream about; the power you have to be the change you want to see. The power to sustain your equilibrium. We are about to embark on a life changing journey together and I am honoured to be part of your journey.

Raise a glass

Here’s to all you freedom seekers out there!

Now, let’s get to work!

Chapter 1

My Story

If there was a qualification in struggle, I would have a P.H.D.

If I hadn’t spent a lifetime and fortune on personal, spiritual growth and training, I wouldn’t be here today. In fact, struggle became my biggest gift, because if I didn’t experience it, I wouldn’t know the ease and grace I am gifted with today. I have been there, which is the reason I do what I do.

As a child, I attended around 10 schools in two countries. I started experiencing panic attacks at a young age. Then a big event became a life changing experience that impacted health, wealth, and relationships alike. I experienced recurring nightmares for 16 years. It robbed me of Self-Worth and Boundaries.

I became an over achiever!

When I finished high school, I knew I wanted to be an Actor. My conservative conditioning however, led me to university to study Arts. I became an expert in beating the system when I graduated. My first love, a Romeo and Juliet story, thanks to conflicting cultures and religions, was very toxic. As a result, I became very ill and continually crammed months of work at the end of each year to pass. I became anorexic. I subconsciously denied myself.

I was in a permanent state of heightened anxiety.

What followed were equally toxic relationships, continuing health issues and no idea about managing money! I had begun my acting career, did promotional work and other bread and butter work between acting jobs.

Relationships consisted of men with addictions, commitment phobias, verbally abusive men, the list goes on. My health continued to be an issue with anxiety, a compromised immune system and other problems.

Though I worked so hard, I could not make ends meet and was always living above my means. I certainly knew how to live the Champagne lifestyle! Meanwhile, my heart was broken time and time again. I couldn’t understand how people let me down. I wasn’t like that! I seemed to be different…

Anxiety was running my life! I had to do something and fast! And so, my journey to healing began.

A friend told me about Reiki! You see, I didn’t just suffer from anxiety. I also had a terrible phobia. That is how my personal and spiritual journey began and I loved Reiki so much, I became a Reiki Master! I also discovered Louise Hay!

Acting and promotional work opened a whole lifestyle to me! I met so many interesting people and had wonderful adventures around the country. My transient childhood continued into adulthood. That big childhood event manifested itself in my career. Acting, by nature, is about rejection more times than not!

It was acting that motivated me to move states. I found myself in Sydney, Australia. I was like a kid in a candy store! After meeting so many people in Melbourne, I was in a big city ripe for discovery, I loved it!

I was obsessed with acting.

It became my life, whilst I forever juggled acting with bread-and-butter jobs. I was alone, often without cash and often sick. I continued with my personal and spiritual growth work. Inner child workshops, therapy, inspirational seminars, alternative medicine, hypnotherapy, healers, I became a junkie. I just wanted to feel better!

Soon I became a part of the Tropicana café crowd, full of writers, directors, actors and started to make films! In 2000, coming back from New Year’s Eve in Thailand with 100 friends, I was lucky to work on four acting jobs back-to-back. Within two weeks, I decided to travel to Europe for six months, alone! That was an amazing adventure! I realised there was a big wide world out there. My obsession with acting disappeared. Travelling through Europe was like living history and art. I met so many people gaining a gift I will forever remember.

Continuing to work on myself, I realized that there were situations it saved my life!

I had a vision that translated into a global humanitarian project, ending poverty and suffering in Africa, dedicated to the UNMP. I knew I was on the right path when every person I spoke with wanted to join the cause.

I was fortunate to have a group of volunteers on the project. I found myself doing the equivalent of two full time jobs, with acting, other jobs, the project and then I didn’t sleep for around one year. The ideas would not stop pouring in, like a non-stop radio. I was also in contact with the UN in New York, on their time.

I collapsed.

Every organ in my body shut down it seemed. I was very sick and had to be carried to doctors. They could not work out what was wrong with me. I eventually felt better, overdid it again and collapsed again. They diagnosed me with chronic fatigue syndrome. I was depressed for the first time. I was obsessed with my humanitarian project. I had to leave everything behind and travel to family in Melbourne. Experts told me not to work for a few years! NOOOOOO!

I tried everything I could to get better!

Diet, meditation, Chinese medicine, vitamins, eventually medication. I returned to Sydney, to continue with the project, moving so many times due to no fault of my own, getting into debt, then the relationship that drove me crazy happened.

Following advice not to date apparently self-absorbed Actors, I met someone I thought was normal because he worked in IT. He turned out to have a double life, addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, you get the picture. He would act out and blame me. I was the one going to therapists and groups to cope.

It was one of those therapists that gave me a rude awakening. I told him I kept attracting men with problems and he asked, “what is the common denominator here”? I said, they all have problems, his response was, no, the common denominator is you!

He sent me to a program specific to relationships and I spent the next two years doing it. That relationship broke up. I am now grateful for the catalyst he provided me. He gave me the biggest gift, because I learnt the difference between love and love addiction and how to have a healthy, loving relationship, something I have been invited to Speak about several times.

I continued to transform family relationships. I had been the black sheep, the scapegoat, the gaslighted.

The point of this story is so that you know I have been there. There is no doubt that life changes and crises will always take place. It is our response that transforms our struggle to ease and grace.

Then, the Most Amazing Thing Happened!

My rollercoaster ride ended in my 30s. I found ease and grace. Now I am putting it all into this book, so that you are empowered!

Imagine, how it will feel and look for you to live a life of ease and grace…

Have you ever felt the feeling of being “in the zone”, where things flow well, everything runs smoothly? It feels like being on top of the world!

That is the flow of the Universe. If you look at nature, everything fulfils its purpose in harmony, arriving at full potential. The trees, animals, plants… They don’t work at being whole, they don’t try to do it, struggle to do it, it is the natural order of things. The beauty of becoming. Nature just IS, in its perfection.

Just as harmony is inherent in nature, it is also inherent in human beings. We are the ones that get in the way of our own perfection. In fact, the only limits we have, are ones we place in our own consciousness…

When you are in a state of ease and grace, there is no resistance, regardless of circumstance. There is no difficulty. You are able to sustain your peace and harmony. When you are in grace, you are in elegance, beauty, motion, action. You can move faster, feeling calmer. You can achieve more, doing less.

When you watch children, you see the wonder of new discovery. Children don’t have limiting beliefs. They don’t think they are not good enough, or smart enough. They have no concept of imperfection. They are happy, they play. They don’t ask for love. They are loved just the way they are. Children enjoy ease and grace.

As we grow, we start to gather limitations. We pile more and more on, until we are laden with baggage. Is it any wonder we become exhausted, resigned, stressed, anxious? Is it any wonder we live a life we didn’t sign up for?

On this adventure together, you will be able to release the baggage and enjoy the lightness of ease and grace. Are you ready?

Chapter 2

Drama, drama, drama!

Ever hear the term Adrenaline Junkie? This term belongs to people who thrive on that adrenaline rush. Life seems otherwise boring. It is the thrill, the feeling of danger that makes life exciting. We can go to enormous lengths to achieve that. This type of behaviour is also the behaviour Addicts exhibit. Addicts go after the same kind of rush. The pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of pain.

Addiction is more commonplace than you may imagine. Most of us are addicted to something, whether it is work, fantasy, games, food, love, sex, gambling, drugs, alcohol, exercise, the list goes on. An addiction is defined by the effect it has on your life and becomes an addiction when it takes over and stops you leading a balanced life. Addictions stop us from doing things…



Drama is insidious. That is why, upon first reflection, you may think it doesn’t apply to you. All we need do is watch the News, world events, to engage in drama immediately! Remember 9/11 and other world events? We are glued to the news. We are surrounded. Social Media is rife with drama. Posts complaining about social issues, politics, health, other people. How others are doing it wrong. We find ourselves fixed on bad news.

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Tula Tzoras
Tula Tzoras

Written by Tula Tzoras

Tula Tzoras is a Mentor/Coach, Author, Speaker, Actor. Founder of Areti Goddess Events, empowering women to bridge the gender gap.

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