Is this a Problem or a Solution?
Did you know, that as many as 87% of us wake up feeling bad? Shocking isn’t it?
Did your car break down in the middle of traffic? Did your partner cheat on you with your best friend? Did you declare bancruptcy? Lose your home? Are you fighting with your neighbour? Are the people you employed hopeless at their job? Are you, or a loved one, facing terminal illness?
When you think about it, what do you spend your time thinking about, talking about most? Have you ever recorded yourself speaking?
No wonder so many of us wake up feeling awful! Consider all the problems we face daily! Look at the world around us! It is no surprise that we would focus on our problems. After all, we want to solve them don’t we? The fact is, most of us do focus on problems all the time, so much so, that we don’t even recognise solutions when they are presented to us!
Try recording yourself speaking and then listen to the recording. What do you notice? Do you complain about your state of affairs and if so, for how much of your time?
It is important to remember that you are not here to give yourself a hard time, to judge yourself! We are our own worst critics! On that, for the ladies, a free offering for you here, Always be the witness! Self reflection and awareness, living consciously is what we strive for.
The Problem with our Focus on Problems
The problem with our need to complain about our problems is that we miss out on the opportunities presented to us at every turn. One thing we can always be certain of, is the law of opposites, after all. Where there is good there is bad, light there is shadow and so on. One of the key tips I share in my signature speech on Turning Obstacles into Inspiration, is simply to ask the right question, “what now?”
The biggest problem we face is when we set goals to attempt to solve our problems. If you have ever done this, you will notice that doing that will only foster more of the same problems. If we continue using the same tools for different results it will, literally, drive us crazy! It is, by definition insanity. No wonder, then, our Goals seem so far fetched! Do not despair, if that is the case! There is another way, just think of all the amazing inventors in the world! If you want to know the secret, read this book Journey to Ease & Grace
A Spin on Problems
Every challenge, every obstacle, every problem, is an opportunity for Growth! Just look at how many have prospered out of crises! These people are able to look for the opportunities in absolutely every situation. If we consider this, perhaps we may consciously begin to focus on solutions! It is the practice of looking for silver linings.
When we do focus on solutions, amazing things happen. When we focus on solutions we attract more solutions! When we focus on solutions, we raise our vibration, we become happier! When we focus on solutions we build trust in ourselves, that we can, in fact face anything, we can do anything! Focussing on solutions will also create new Neural Pathways for us! Have you ever been in a team situation where the leader asks for solutions not problems? In any work environment, rather than bringing problems to your boss, try coupling problems with solutions and notice how quickly you rise!
Given our conditioning, there is no doubt that it takes a conscious effort to watch our thoughts, our words and our focus. I can honestly tell you, it’s worth it, so stay the course!