Is it Crazy?
Happy Monday Goals Day!
Today is about making Great Choices! There is no doubt that the world is in in crisis. What you are dealing with can be a mental health crisis, an identity crisis, being in an accident, a pandemic or a war.
It’s not easy to deal with anxiety, fear, confusion, loss and disappointment. Sometimes, it can take years before we can find our way out of this hole.
How then, do we make these “great choices”?
What we Do
Whenever we try to solve problems, we usually do our best with what we have available. The problem is that, when we try to solve issues doing the same things we have tried before, we expect a different result. Repeating the same pattern over and over and expecting different outcomes.
Is it Crazy?
That is, in fact, the very definition of insanity! Yes it’s crazy!
When we have limiting beliefs, we can only operate from that space. Did you know that 98% of your behaviour is driven by your subconscious? Luckily we still have 2% of our conscious mind to work with to create what we love, where anything is possible!
The Good News
Remember that true self-realisation is accepting the light and shadow alike… Begin by accepting reality. Focus on your breathing and find clarity, assess the situation and open up to inspiration.
Change your limiting Beliefs! This does take repetitive work, but it is easy! Focus on what you truly love. Begin to visualise it, feel it, bring your emotion into it. This will create new Neural Pathways and you will begin to change your reality from the inside out, not the other way around.
You vibration will attract more of what you love as you become more and more grateful for it. It just so happens, that right now, when you book your FREE COACHING CALL with me, you also gain INSTANT ACCESS to my E-Book THE ARETI GODDESS GUIDE, perfect for creating your Ideal Life!
For your Empowering Chat Book Here: Your Free Coaching Call with Tula
Wishing you amazing success,
Tula Tzoras
Author, Speaker, Coach
Areti Goddess Events Pty Ltd
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