Member-only story
Your Voice deserves to be Heard, 3 ways to do it!
Through the ages, we have been told to be good girls, to be quiet. In the past, our voice couldn’t be heard unless it was a male voice. In the past, women couldn’t vote, publish, or be seen in the public eye, holding any influence. When we tried to cry out in the wake of trauma, the social norm dictated that we should be gaslighted , or classified as hysterical. Anything to keep a perceived, conditioned societal equilibrium.
Have you ever wondered why it was so important to men to keep women contained?
To this day, there are things we keep quiet about. There are situations that burden us with guilt and shame. Often, victims are blamed. After all, it can break the very fabric of family, society. There is no doubt that it takes a lot of courage to speak out about certain issues. The problem is, that some of us have been quiet for so long, we cannot imagine ever speaking out. We keep small, hidden, “safe”. Or we subconsciously punish ourselves, with addictions and destructive patterns.
It pays to ask yourself, what you are keeping quiet about. Chances are, it will be the catalyst that stops you from having a life you love.
How many times have you pictured or found yourself screaming, or cried out, even in a pillow? The question is, have you had enough? have you really had enough? Are…