Member-only story
How to Rise Above Inflation & the Rise in Your Cost of Living
Inflation and the Rising Cost of Living
There is a very strong atmosphere of Fear circulating around the world as the U.S.A GDP figures, in 35 days, are expected to spell the horrible word called Recession. Here we are, on the last day of this Financial Year, with Retail sales historically at an increase, what will numbers exhibit from today?
We have noticed the rise in our cost of living. Our weekly income doesn’t seem to cover as much these days. Our spending power is dwindling. We watch the news and brace ourselves in fear and resignation. After all, what can we do in the face of impending economic disaster?
Here’s a Thought…
Remember all the winners in History. Crises, whether war, depression or otherwise, always result in winners and losers. So many have become wealthy when others have lost everything. If we are able to view these events objectively, without judgement, if we can take the emotion out of it, we can simply see the ever-present law of Opposites in all that is. We can view events simply as they are.
The Question is…which side of History will you choose?