How to Overcome Your Jealousy
Today our topic is Jealousy! Of course, we try to think of ourselves as good people and we often deny our shadow selves, our negative emotions. Being a Goddess, a fully realised human being however, means loving both our shadow and our light. It is important not to invalidate our feelings.
So if you feel jealous, feel it, acknowledge it!
When we shed light on something, it loses its power over us. It improves our health and wellbeing. Then we can work with it. So here are some tips to Transform Jealousy!
How to Overcome Your Jealousy
Jealousy stems from limiting beliefs like, I am not good enough, they always have more than me, they are better than me, you get the idea.
1.Get Real with yourself. If you are really honest, what really stops you from having the life you love? You will discover that the only one limiting you is indeed, you. Don’t worry, you can always eliminate those beliefs!2.Begin to realise that the Universe is Abundant and you deserve as much as others do. There is no sinister plan to keep you poor, unloved, unsuccessful.3.Once you realise that, begin to recognise your Power! Know that your thoughts, words, actions are a direct order and are answered accordingly. Begin to be mindful of your thoughts, words and actions alike.4.It is great to admire people you would love to be like! Shift your motivation by modelling them, getting to know them, being around people you aspire to be like. This will also raise your vibration and attract what you desire accordingly.
There is more than Enough for Everyone Goddess!
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I hope that empowers you today Goddess!
Wishing you amazing success,
Tula Tzoras
Author, Speaker, Coach
Areti Goddess Events Pty Ltd
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