How to Listen to Yourself & Why!
How to Listen to Yourself, if you are out of practice…
When was the last time you listened to yourself? think about it…
When was the last time you checked into your thoughts, feelings, confidently expressed your opinion, or considered what you need and made it happen?
When we are young, it is common that we adapt and try to keep the peace. This means we do not voice our opinion, we become what our care givers want us to be. You become adept at minimising yourself, something that continues in adulthood.
There are reasons we stop listening to ourselves. We may be afraid of what we will hear, or we may think others are smarter, wiser, know better than we do. Sometimes, it’s easier not to listen to ourselves.
A great way to check if you are listening to yourself, is to become aware of your thoughts and feelings and examine whether you are meeting your own needs. A great way to find out, is if you find yourself feeling resentful or uninterested for example.
When we don’t listen to ourselves
When we don’t listen, we can develop all sorts of physical ailments. Headaches, gastrointestinal issues, shortness of breath or chest issues, the body is programmed to draw your attention to what you are thinking. Added to physical ailments, emotional issues such as depression can eventuate.
How to Listen
▪Sit in Silence Begin to practice sitting in silence for a few minutes, building up to 30 minutes twice a day. Focus only on your breathing, slowly, in and out. Your mind will slow down and you will be able to listen.
▪Journal Start a mindfulness journal, expressing your thoughts and feelings, without editing what you write. The pure exercise of writing it down, will again slow your mind chatter and bring you clarity.
▪Check in during the day Create space and time to ask yourself how you are feeling and what really matters to you.
▪Put up reminders to check in You can place post it notes around your space to remind you to ask how you are feeling, that your thoughts and feelings matter, that your needs are important.
▪Ensure it is Fun! There are many ways we can express ourselves. Pick a way that brings you joy. You may prefer audio, music, dance, visuals, find a way that makes YOU happy.
Listening to yourself is one step toward having a healthy Self-Worth. Getting to know your boundaries will give you Confidence.
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I hope that empowers you today, wishing you amazing success!
Wishing you amazing success,
Tula Tzoras
Areti Goddess Events