Confidence can be a Killer

Tula Tzoras
2 min readOct 23, 2020


Confidence is an issue very close to my own heart. Events from childhood robbed me of self -worth and boundaries for that matter. As I graduated to adulthood, I found myself over-compensating, going into modelling and acting, putting myself in the spotlight, up for approval!

Many people say that acting is character building. Unlike other vocations, it is a particular lifestyle. Not only do we go from rags to riches and back, in and out of contracts, we attend a million auditions (job interviews). Here, a decision to cast an Actor in a role, is made by several stakeholders. It doesn’t just come down to an Actor’s ability to perform. It can also come down to look, height, age, appeal, popularity and the list goes on.

What that means for Actors is a constant exposure to comparison with other Actors, rejection and acceptance. It is no wonder that Actors tend to develop self-destructive patterns and behaviour. For this an other reasons, I published “THE TRUTH ABOUT ACTING” available through major retailers.

In my own story, I remember getting so close to winning jobs, down to two of us sometimes. In the early days, when I missed out, I would trash myself, it meant so much. Before I built my confidence, I would spend my life second guessing others and trying to please. I was so hard on myself. It was crazy now that I reflect.

Here’s the thing! If others abused us as much as we abuse ourselves, we wouldn’t have them in our lives!

The good news is that I learnt to feel safe in uncertainty. Whether I have one dollar or a million, I learnt to feel exactly the same way. I also stopped putting myself up for approval and second guessing and definitely stopped trying to please! Did I end my career? NO

I went into personal/spiritual growth. The biggest gift and one I am grateful for daily. That is how I became a Mentor/Coach, also claircognizant and and Empath. Now, I want to share the best tools I gathered with you. So, I have created a FREE VIDEO you can access immediately. Click here

Low Self-Worth stops us from achieving Goals. It makes us feel unhappy. I hope this Empowers you today Goddess! Because Goddess is your Birthright!

Wishing you amazing success,

Tula Tzoras



Tula Tzoras
Tula Tzoras

Written by Tula Tzoras

Tula Tzoras is a Mentor/Coach, Author, Speaker, Actor. Founder of Areti Goddess Events, empowering women to bridge the gender gap.

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