Breaking the Silent Barrier, Allison Rose Clark, 2020 Case Study Rise of Female Leaders
I hope this finds you well and happy despite external circumstances! This week, our Spotlight is on an amazing, courageous Goddess, who Broke through her wall of Silence! Meet Allison Rose Clark!
You are invited to join the 2020 Case Study for Female Leaders! It is a great way to acknowledge yourself and what you do, something we forget to do so often. Your story can inspire other Goddesses, by sharing a Breakthrough you have experienced in health, wealth, relationships, business, or a passion you are putting to action, particularly at this time! To Join us learn more here:
In which area of life have you experienced a Breakthrough, that will inspire other women? Health, Wealth, Relationships, Business?
I’ve had a breakthrough in relationships in the sense of rejecting abuse, be it from partners, family or friends.
What motivated and inspired you? Why are you passionate about it?
The fact I wrote a book, “I Don’t Hate Me Anymore” about my life journey. It morphed from an autobiography into a self-improvement book because I realised it’s not just the inspiration of loving yourself that’s needed, but the “how” to get there. So, my passion is to take a woman who looks in the mirror and doesn’t like who’s looking back, and renewing her into the empowered beautiful, self-loving queen she is, ready to reject any abuse which comes their way.
When did you make the decision?
One day, while sitting in our back entertainment area. It was my third abusive marriage, and I was angry at God — how could He let this happen. Again? Then a light bulb moment happened! It dawned on me that I hated myself so much I let other people treat me this way because I didn’t walk away in the first instance it happened. I know ‘hate’ is a strong word, however, that’s how I felt. I disliked myself the size of a mountain! If I loved myself, there’s no way I would ever put up with it for a minute! That was the very moment the difficult “Mission Love Myself” was born.
Share a little about your inspiring Story
I’m a survivor of child sexual abuse, school bullying, and domestic violence x4. In early primary school, my family moved from an area where I was popular and outgoing, to another, where I first heard the term “four eyes”. I was seven. At eight years old, my cousin sexually assaulted me. School bullying continued for ten years, including friends who betrayed me as well as playing nasty tricks. My first serious relationship turned domestic violent one year in, nearly costing me my life. The other three I married, all domestically violent (to varying degrees). I grew up scared and anxious, expecting to be attacked all the time, withdrawn, quiet, not trusting people, and all the time trying to be someone everyone would like, but failing. All this despite a loving, caring and non-violent home.
Tell us about it
After my book “I Don’t Hate Me Anymore” was published, and having had morphed from an autobiography to a self-improvement book, I wanted to do more. Writing the book wasn’t enough. My vision is to offer women a safe place where they can be assisted in discovering their self-love, and learn how and why it helps in rejecting abuse.
If it is a Business, have you started your business or have an idea for one?
My business, “Tigerfly Energy Creations” or TFEC, hasn’t officially launched yet (TFEC is about creativity in all its forms). The idea consists of free online workshops, membership group, and one-on-one mentorship, centred around my book.
Are you currently running any promos/contests/giveaways that you would like our readers to know about?
At this point in time, there aren’t any, but watch this space!
List awards/certifications/accomplishments.
• Certificate of completion of AVENT Family Violence Basics online course, 2020
• Hawkeye Books, blog featuring me and my book, 2020
• Diploma in Counselling, 2019
• Certificate IV in New Small Business, 2019
• Ymag magazine, January 2019 issue, “I Don’t Hate Me Anymore” featured in their Yreads section (Australia)
• WomELLE magazine. May 2019 issue, myself and my book “I Don’t Hate Me Anymore” featured as a two-page article (USA)
• website, introducing me as an author, 2019
• Pretty Progressive website, article recommending 7 books about body image, 2019
• Featured as a prize in a competition run by Essential Essence Natural Solutions for Everyday, Natural Health and Living Collective, and Tigerfly Energy Creations, 2018
• The Illawarra Mercury, Book Launch leading up to International Women’s Day, 2018
• Radio interview on 96Five Family Brisbane during International Women’s month, 2018Poem “Patience” published in Anthology of Verse: Timeless Voices published by International Library of Poetry (USA), 2006
• Poem “Tomorrow’s World” published in Anthology of Verse: Opal Shores published by Poetry Institute of Australia, 2005
Where is your business based?
It’s based in my home — South Coast, New South Wales, Australia.
What were the first few steps you took?
I can’t recall the order I did things in. However, before my book was published, and when I had the cover design, the first things I made sure I had was social media author profiles/pages, as well as LinkedIn. Then I invited everyone on my friends list to like the pages. With the assistance of my sister, we took some really nice photos that I could use for the face of being an author, and because my publisher required one for their website. I used a free platform to create a website of my own, and started a blog. It had only two pages — the landing page, which was also my blog page, and a ‘contact me’ page. I slowly built it up from there. I also got myself an Australian Business Number (ABN), and registered my business name.
What has been the most effective way of achieving your goal, eg in business, raising awareness of your business and getting new customers?
To gain awareness, I started with at least one daily post on the all my social media platforms. Excerpts from my book worked well. When I published a blog, I posted the link to my social media. I rang, sent emails to radio stations, and newspapers requesting an article or advert about my book. As an incentive, I offered them a signed copy of my book. The response: two radio stations and one newspaper. I chose two of the photos taken by my sister, and made it a competition for my followers to choose. I had a small number of posters and business cards printed and asked some shops, including the bank I’m with, if they would display them. A few did, including my physiotherapist.
What have been your biggest challenges so far?
My biggest challenges have been confidence, fear of success, and procrastination. I’ve missed a few opportunities because of them, and they’ve slowed me down.
Have you overcome these challenges?
It’s a work in progress, so not entirely.
How did you overcome these challenges?
As I’m still in the progress of conquering my challenges, I’m working with some coaches at the moment and it’s going really well. Workshops/webinars have helped, and self-help books.
How do you keep motivated through difficult times?
Things I currently do are: by checking in with my business, and personal, support systems and groups; by reminding myself of ‘why’ I’m doing what I’m doing and the goal I’m striving for; by revisiting and reviewing my vision board; by going over my 1, 3, and 5-year plans; by reminding myself of how far I’ve come and progress I’ve made; by reading an inspirational book or watching an inspirational video on YouTube such as TEDx talks.
What makes your story unique? In business, how do you distinguish yourself from your competitors?
Everybody has a story, and everybody’s story is unique, but it’s the way I tell my story which makes it different. The way I’ve set out my book offers encouragement to the reader from the start to interact with it, initiating change before they’ve reached the last page. The treatment plan I created, is entirely different to anything anyone has taught me in any other abuse support group or workshop. Everybody should have one.
What is the best advice you have received recently?
To get enough sleep! A person functions better, thinks clearer, has more energy and can make better decisions when they’re not half asleep.
What advice would you give to inspire other Female Leaders?
Love yourself without limitation. There’s no greater gift on this planet you could ever receive! It’ll change your life completely from perceptions to interactions with others.
What are your favourite tools/resources and why?
Being an author, my favourite tools and resources are stationery, particular pens and notepads. I’m always righting something — a poem, a story idea, a blog idea, or content for a post. So, of course, my favourite store is none other than Office Works!
What is a good article or book you have read recently?
There are two books I’ve read, and am reading, which I highly recommend:
• “The Courage to be Disliked” written by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga
• “The 5 Second Rule” written by Mel Robbins.
What are you currently learning about, or looking for help with?
How to reach out to people and have a conversation with them about my book and business, essentially gaining clients.
What are your goals for the next few months and how are you striving to achieve them?
Get my online workshop and members group launched and with attendees, through collaboration with my business support system.
What social media outlets do you use? List them below
Follow Allison Rose Clark on Facebook
Tigerfly Energy Creations on Instagram
Allison on Linkedin
Visit Allison’s Website