Don’t take it personally!
This will Transform Your Life
That is a bold statement isn’t it? This tip does go a long way toward your Transformation and it is included in my new book! [Journey to Ease & Grace] .
So here it is, ready?
Don’t take things Personally!
This is a habit that begins early in life, as we second guess others, take other’s moods as a fault of our own, take other’s words to heart. It is only natural that we grow to take things personally. When loved ones suffer, we can take their pain on, feel their suffering, especially if we are empaths.
When people disrespect us or don’t treat us well, we can take their behavior personally, blaming ourselves. We think we have something to do with someone else’s behaviour. When we take things personally, it is emotionally draining, completely unnecessary and bad for our Self-Worth.
The Good News
What other people say or do, is NONE OF OUR BUSINESS! Can you imagine just how freeing it will be when we don’t take things personally?
All we need do is check in with ourselves, so that we can be accountable and responsible. Then we are able to really get to know who we are. When we know who we are, then what other people say about us, simply doesn’t matter. We know the truth. We learn that everyone has their own story and their story doesn’t have to be ours.
Likewise, what other people do, suffer, is not personal. This does not imply a lack of caring. Not taking things personally is about knowing what is ours and what isn’t. When our loved ones suffer, the best thing we can do is be there to support them and empower them, by believing in their success over their challenges.
Think about doctors, nurses, care givers. How can they possibly truly help if they take their patients pain personally?
The best selling Author, Don Miguel Ruiz, includes this in the famous 4 Agreements.
A Few things you can do
- Stop worrying about what people think, it has nothing to do with you. The sooner you stop worrying about what people think, the sooner you will be liberated and grow your Self-Worth.
- Know your Worth. Self-Worth and Confidence is your best defence against taking things personally. It is of great benefit to your life, It impacts every area, it is worth working on. Here, you can access the First Module of the Areti Goddess Online Program Free. This will Silence your Inner Critic and Boost Your Confidence. The Areti Goddess Online Program with Your Free Confidence Boost
- Don’t Jump to Conclusions. When people are critical about you ,or place judgements about you, it is not about you, always remember that. “In fact, it’s almost always about them, their issues, their needs, and their desire to control you and/or a situation,” writes Dr. Abigail Brenner.
- Don’t Buy into the Drama, don’t descend into their toxicity. If you retaliate you do become part of the problem. Taking the high road is not always easy, it does however avoid regret in hindsight.
- Learn to Let it Go. As your confidence grows, you can develop tools to protect yourself, by knowing your triggers and how to process things in a healthy way.
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I hope that empowers you today, wishing you amazing success!